

Diesel Fuel Tank


Forget about corrosion problems with these awesome aluminium fuel tanks. Installers love them as they are very light and easy to manoeuvre into position. Worksafe Certified construction.

  • For domestic use only
  • We have been made aware that Worksafe have issued each council with a potential non-compliance notification on the use of aluminum tanks in a residential situation. We believe this non-compliance is currently under review. Each council across NZ will have their own procedure on how to handle such matters and we advise you speak to your building officer to see if they will issue consent on an aluminum tank or what alternative tank will they provide consent to.

    CHNZ and numerous other fabrication companies in NZ have manufactured aluminum tanks for over 15 years with no issues. It’s unfortunate that we are in this situation and regret that we can not directly advise what the solution is. Its best as noted previously to speak directly to your building officer and discuss options.

  • Volume: 460L
  • Volume: 850L
